Mammoth to North Lake

Day 1: Coldwater Campground (8960') over Duck Pass (10790') to Duck Lake (10427') (6 miles)
Day 2: Past Purple and Virginia Lakes, down to Tully Hole (9520'), and up to Isaak Walton Lake (10250') (7 miles)
Day 3: Recuperation day
Day 4: Over "Shout-For-Relief" (11400') and "Big Horn" (11250') passes, down to Laurel and Mono Creeks (8600'), and up the Second Recess to Upper Mills Creek Lake (11167') (11 miles)
Day 5: Over Gabbot Pass (12250'), down to and around Lake Italy (11100'), over Italy Pass (12400'), and down to Granite Park (11800') (7 miles)
Day 6: Down Italy Pass Trail to Pine Creek Trail Junction (10200'), over Pine Creek Pass (11100') and down to Hutchinson Meadow (9438') (10 miles)
Day 7: Over Piute Pass (11400') to North Lake (9400') (12 miles)

From the afternoon of day 2 to the afternoon of day 5, our route was largely off trail as described in Roper's "Timberline Country, the High Sierra Route"

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